
Bricknell Legal offers a number of information pamphlets, which are free to download. These include: 

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There are many useful sources of information in dealing with your legal, business, financial, property, superannuation, and family matters.

Listed below are several government agencies and not-for-profit organisations with excellent websites, publications, helplines and services.

Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC)

In New South Wales, providing support at home with personal care, domestic support, meals and home maintenance, providing community transport, and community nursing and allied health services. Call 02 8270 2000, for those who are hard of hearing call 02 8270 2167, or visit

Australian Government Seniors website

A single point of access to government and non-government information and services for seniors. Visit

Australian Hearing

Dedicated to helping people manage their hearing impairment to deliver a better quality of life. Australian Hearing provides services to eligible pensioners and most veterans. Visit or call 13 1797.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Information on investing, superannuation, insurance and deposits. Visit or call 1300 300 630.

Australian Taxation Office

Visit or call the Personal Tax Info Line on 13 28 61.

Benevolent Society of NSW

Call 02 9339 8000 or visit

Bereavement Care Centre Support

And information on coping with grief call 1300 654 556 or visit

Births, Deaths and Marriages (NSW Registry)

Obtain information on registration of deaths. Check to see if a will is registered. Call 1300 655 236 or visit


Ask for Seniors assistance on a wide range of issues including veterans affairs, health, residential aged care, financial information and to get in touch with social workers.
Call 13 27 17 or visit

Carers Australia

The national peak body for carers, representing the needs and interests of carers at the national level. The members of Carers Australia comprise the eight state and territory Carers Associations. Visit or Freecall™ 1800 242 636.

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres

Assists carers to access respite or to take a break and provide information about community and other aged care services. They can provide information and advice about respite options and help with organising planned or emergency respite. Visit or Freecall™ 1800 052 222. For after hours emergency respite call Freecall™ 1800 059 059.

Department of Health and Ageing

Provides information about aged and community care. Visit or call Freecall™ 1800 020 103.

Family Relationships Centres

Provide information, advice and dispute resolution to help parents/carers focus on the needs of children and develop workable arrangements for children without going to court. Visit or call 1800 050 321.

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