Elder Law
Retirement Living
Bricknell Legal provides expert assistance in legal matters associated with retirement living.
We can assist you to achieve your retirement accommodation decision. As with many other important life decisions, your retirement accommodation decision has important legal and financial consequences. It is essential to obtain sound legal advice regarding it. We will help you understand the legal consequences and guide you through the required process. As a part of that process you will be asked to sign legally binding documents by an Aged Care or Retirement Village facility. These usually involve a significant financial commitment by you. It is important that you understand exactly what you are receiving in return for that financial commitment, e.g. Do you have legal ownership of your accommodation? Can your accommodation be changed without your approval? What rights do you have if you don’t like the accommodation?
Bricknell Legal’s Retirement Living service can assist you with:
- Review legal documents and contracts regarding Aged Care and Retirement Village facilities.
- Explain the legal implications of the living arrangements you have chosen.
- Ensure that you understand what you are receiving in return for your financial commitment.
- Coordinate the sale of your existing residence with your move to new accommodation.